Friday, April 10, 2009

Come on now...

I know it seems that everyone is up in arms about the Obama Bow...

And I just recently enjoyed this video about the Chia Obama:

Sometimes I really resent the media for being so obnoxious and focusing on the dumbest shit. There just HAS to be more important things to cover.

Really? Seriously?

We need a slow motion view of hand placement blow by blow to see if he bowed!
I get the symbolism of what a bow could 'mean' but I am pretty sure that is not what was going through his head when he did it, I am thinking he was just trying to be respectful.

And why are we even using the energy to MAKE a CHIA PET Obama!

I just don't know.


Anonymous said...

Those evil money grubbing marketers from Chia free advertising they've ever got. You should make an Obama pop up book to sell at Open Books. You will be faced with a potential lawsuit (which should get dropped) but while you are getting the air time just think how far you can launch your Open Books message. Spin it right and you may get a presidential endorsement. Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Remember, I am here to help.
Uncle Todd

Greta Hanson said...

so should i return the Obama Chia pet I got you for your birthday?