Monday, April 26, 2010

Cousin Time

Before this slips TOO far off of the list of recent events, I would like to share some photos from a recent brunch date with cousins Meghan and Emily.
I always look forward to catching up with these girls, and appreciate Meghan working us into her action packed schedule when she came back to the CHI from the LOU :)

The Girls picked a GREAT spot to eat:

FRUSHI - (sushi like rolls made from fruit flavored rice and delicious fruit!)

FRUITY PEBBLE BABYCAKES w/fruity pebble infused BUTTER - for Finn


And the only thing better than the food was the company.
I always love catching up with the girls.
They are at such a fun, different stage in life than I happen to be. And hearing about all that is going on reminds me of all the things I miss and don't miss about being younger.
And there is not much I don't miss.....
Can't wait to see them both again soon!

one big ass photo test

dead hydrangea1

Friday, April 23, 2010

Beauty is....

Gone for Army Training this week....
Thought I would share this poem that a student of ours at work wrote recently.

Beauty Is, by Jasmine Holloway

Beauty is a newborn baby.
It is a woman in her wedding gown.
It is my mom when she’s happy.
It is the start of a new beginning.
Beauty is creating a new family.
It is God when he created earth.
It is when it is the end of winter and the first blossom has grown.
It is the giggles of a baby.
Beauty is a newborn baby.


And I would like to add, that beauty is sharing the first felt kick of an unborn baby with a best friend.

So happy to share the moment with Emily last night....I am getting SO excited about this new baby....

More when I'm back next week!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I couldn't believe my eyes...

Tonight. Usual routine.
Finn eats dinner.
Mama runs bath.
Finn and Mama play while Finn takes bath.
NEW: Finn and Mama talk to Grandma, and Grandpa and Nate on Skype! (loving it)
Finn and Mama read two stories.
Mama puts Finn to bed.

Mama goes into the kitchen.
Cleans up dinner.
Fires up the computer.
Folds some laundry.
Hears the usual, "Mama!? Mama?!" coming from Finn's room.
Mama chooses to ignore the cries in the hopes that Finn will just go to sleep.
Mama hears again, a little voice calling her name.
But THIS TIME, the voice seems a little louder?

This Mama turns around to discover FINNEGAN, standing IN THE KITCHEN, with this shit eating GRIN ON HIS FACE, pacifier still in his mouth, but beaming. EAR TO EAR.

Mama hears little Mr. Grin face say, "I don't wanna go to bed Mama!"

I just about had a heart attack.

For the following reasons:
1) This is the FIRST time Houdini has ever attempted to crawl out of his crib in his 2 years and 11 months of life. Let ALONE doing it with such grace and stealth that he didn't make a PEEP.
2) It was like he appeared out of thin air. It scared the DICKENS out of me.
3) He's big enough and old enough to want to get out of his crib!!! (Disclaimer: I REALIZE that most kids are crawling out of their crib WAY earlier than this) but this was truly such a shocker.

And that's all I have!
Just as a bonus to this story, here are a few of my favorite photos from a weekend with my family in Viroqua.
And ACTUALLY this is the only picture you're going to get tonight, because I have exceeded my 1GB limit for photos through Google. Better purchase some MORE BANDWIDTH!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fun with Technology

As I sit here, in my parents kitchen....there is an energy.

There is an energy from my father who has JUST found the amazing thrill of instant purchasing on iTunes.

There is an energy FROM this energy as Dad discovers and rediscovers tunes he hasn't heard in ages and determines them an "automatic buy"

There is an energy from us daughters because they have INTERNET.

There is an energy from discovering the fun photo capabilities of my laptop web cam.

Exhibit A.

I am excited for my parents.
There are SO many cool things to learn and love.
Welcome family.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This is how you eat a peep: by Finnegan Keaty

Look them over...notice how they nicely they match your Easter outfit.

Taste a small portion, learn that they are made of marshmallow and sugar.

Carefully consider the amazing consequence that marshmallow and sugar are individually two of your all-time favorite things.

Take another bite for a thorough assessment of its deliciousness .

Devour and revel in the sweet sugary goodness.