Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Heart the Internet

I need some regular blogging topics. ( TWO posts in one NIGHT!) WOO.
Things to keep me posting, often.
Emily does Wordless Wednesdays...which I love, and don't even have the time to COPY off of her.
Might start doing that.....
But for now.
Look forward to - I Heart the Internet posts

Last night while spending way too much time online I came across this AWESOME web site that allows you to do random, tacky and BLING A LICIOUS things to photos.

Exhibit A:

Oh yes.
This will not be the last from THIS site, I can promise you that.
And I just HAPPENED to have the most perfect photo - Greta's gangsta excitement over her Hubs Fries.
Still making me laugh!
Even if I'm the only one... :D

Let him eat CAKE!

More fun photos from the birthday weekend!
Finn loved his Dairy Queen ice cream cake, also a favorite of mine! (thank you Mom!)

He sunk his teeth right into it and licked up all that blue icing.
He absolutely FREAKED blowing out the candles.
I don't really know that he's ever blown candles out...so it was hysterical just watching him try to figure out the mechanics of blowing. And then he'd almost get scared....wondering when indeed the candle would blow out! And when it did he would LAUGH and SHRIEK and pump his fist in the air, and say, "Again?!" And so we did. Over and Over and Over.
Apparently this is the exact same thing my sister did when SHE turned 2.
I believe it was that same Auntie Greta that captured this hilariousness on video...so hopefully she'll post that so I can show you.

BUT! I think my photos do a pretty good job at setting the scene also ;)

It was a great day, and I'm looking forward to celebrating it all over again with Nick's family next Sunday.

Monday, May 18, 2009


My baby boy turned 2 years old yesterday.
I can hardly believe it.
Where, where has the time gone?

We had a wonderful weekend in Viroqua with my family.
I took a ton of pictures, and will blog ALL about the fun bits and pieces this week.
He has his 2 year visit with Dr. McDermott tomorrow, so I'll have a full update on our favorite little guy then.

For now I'd just like to share a few of my favorite photos of my TWO year old son.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Just for a point of reference


Monday, May 11, 2009

This Mothers Day

My Mothers Day.
I was at Drill... and got home SO late that I had about 30 minutes to spend with Finn.
But it was enough.
When I came in the door...he ran towards me SO fast and was screaming my name and laughing and smiling that it took my breath away.
That was all I needed.

My days are filled with work.
My weekends are filled with work.
I am a Working Mother.
I have certainly been feeling some of the strain, from many angles lately, of being a Working Mother.
There are mixed emotions of guilt, love, joy, stress, and overwhelming responsibility.
I don't think that it is necessarily any different for mothers that don't work....I am sure it is much the same.
But I am a MOTHER nonetheless.....and it is wonderful.
Do I wish I had more time with Finn? Every day. Who wouldn't? He's wonderful.
I certainly appreciate even MORE every second I do have, and every detail of him.
I appreciate being able to take care of my family and support them.
I appreciate having a husband that is MORE than my equal.
I am hopeful to have even MORE children one day to care for and love.

And I also realized this Mother's Day, that sometimes the most thoughtful acts of kindness come from other mothers.

For example, this video, that was sent to me by my Dad's co-worker Joy, mother of 2 boys.
It was hands down the most thoughtful thing....making me laugh and cry, so sweet of her to think of me.

I have also come to have such appreciation for the love, strengths and lessons learned from other mothers. Always, and most recently for my dear friend Emily, who has just returned from Korea with a son, Rubin to add her family that already has two other beautiful boys, Theo and Emmett. It is hard for me even to find the words to express the pride and love I feel towards her. Her strength, and her ability to give, share and love; as a mother.

And then there is my own mother. I am sad I wasn't able to spend the day with you Mom. Know that I was thinking of you and I am looking forward to seeing you this weekend. I thank you for being there for me, now, and back in the day, when I am sure it was joyous, stressful, overwhelming, and wonderful.

I love you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
