Monday, September 15, 2008

Finn's First Sox Game

Happy Monday!
Thought I would post up some pictures from last week.
A Finnegan First!
His first White Sox Game.

We had a great time.

Went with some free tickets I had gotten from work. We were PRETTY high up and now with Finn wanting to be on the move move move all the time were a little worried about how it would go. But! He was great. Since it was a night game and he was a little sleepy...he was pretty content to just chill and take it all in.

All of the lights, music, loud yelling, fireworks, etc. seemed to overwhelm him at times, but all in all he seemed to have fun. I loved though that the two things he incessantly pointed out and said were, "Moon!" which he could easily see from where we were, and "Bugs!" the heavy swarms flying by the big flood lights around the stadium.

I completely went overboard with the baseball food. Corn Dog, soft pretzel, FUNNELCAKE? Seriously now. I don't know what got into me. I felt SO sick after eating all of that garbage. But your son only goes to his first baseball game once right?
The game was pretty slow, until the end, when the Sox had a chance to rally for a win, but didn't. Bummer.

It was a great time, an event I think we had all been looking forward too. As I looked around at all of the other "boys" going to a game, at various ages....most wearing the jersey of their favorite player, almost all toting a mitt...I got really excited for all of the future games to come.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

For Nate - Clean Porn for Women

Nate - you know I love you, and you are an awesome husband.
But a friend sent me this today, and I couldn't resist dedicating this post to you.
Especially after your recent displays of "Above and Beyond" husbandry.
Especially the cooking one! The guy even LOOKS like you.

Ladies - these had me ROLLING! (click on the picture to make the photo larger)


It's On People.
If I am willing to dip my entire lower half into a tub of freezing cold water, you know it's getting serious.
I pulled something in my knee/leg this weekend and I am on a break from running this week to try and heal. I know....first long run out as a 30 yr old and look at what happens. Har Har.
I might be addicted to running. When I hurt my knee, I cried! I have been working so hard training for this marathon, that NOTHING better stand in my way. I had a hardcore pity party for 2 days....and now I am ready to get fired up, rest and get back at my training.
Off until maybe Friday, and then I am still going to try and run the Chicago Half on Sunday!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Turning 30

(sorry this post is so late, I"m practically 31 by now)

So I have officially turned 30!

And it feels really good. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday celebration or for a better day.

I was SURPRISED to say the least, when Nick planned this fantastic party, at one of my favorite restaurants, Piece, invited all of my closest family and friends! Creating a new email account, sending out an Evite and also convincing REID to make the trip was above and BEYOND. I want to thank my awesome husband for throwing me such an amazing bash.
Delicious beer, pizza, red velvet cupcakes, Rainbow cakes....I was in heaven.
There was also some "later in the evening shananigans" lots of beer consumed, and then the almighty shots. Lemon Drops and Tequila. Can never ever say no.
Here are some photos from the great party....Greta also got some really good ones.

The day of my actual 30th birthday was also nothing short of amazing.
Here is how I spent it:
1) got up early and ran 9 miles

2) picked up the boys! went out for breakfast, ate french toast and bacon
3) took Finn to the beach for the first time! splish splashed in the lake, and took in the views.

4) came home, showered, and then went downtown to do some SHOPPING, a very favorite pastime. Sipped on bubbletea as I did so. Heaven.
5) Nick picks me up, with my hands full of new clothing purchases! (pants that fit! Yay!)and we orderedout my favorite sushi.

What a great day.
Here are some pictures of us on the beach near our house.