Monday, January 25, 2010


I realize that it is LONG overdue for a good, lengthy Finnegan update.

Finn. Approaching 3 years old in 3 months and some change is a little BOY.
For the most thing he is all the things boys are:

high energy







comic inspiring

Let's start with his talking:
He talks ALL the time. He never stops. This MAY be one of the ways he takes after me...sure :) He's really getting into questions:

Mama, what's that building - in the morning on our commute to Open Books, he asks what EVERY building is on the Chicago skyline...we have to say "condo building" A LOT.
Mama what's that noise?
Mama, where you going? To the gym?
Mama what's that?
Mama what you doing?
etc. repeat. etc.

He picks up our bad habits:

Not shocking I realize…but for the MOST part, Nick and I have done a pretty good job at cleaning up our language around Finn. Except maybe for when we are in traffic. Finn has been hear d to say:

Look at that fucking guy! (said by Nick, to a guy that was honking and acting a fool in traffic)

Eat a dick! (Also said by Nick, in reference to a guy that cut us off in traffic)

And most recently, and thank GOD more G rated –

Are you kidding me?! (Something both Nick and I say, daily at some ya-hoo on the road) It really is Finn’s inflection that makes this adorable

Here is the most frustrating conversation you can have with Finn

It goes a little something like this.

Me: Finny – do you want mac n cheese for dinner?

F: No

Me: You don’t want mac n cheese?

F: Yes

Me: So you do want mac n cheese for dinner?

F: No

Me: Do want to eat dinner at all?

F: No

Me: Well how about mac n cheese?

F: Yes

**You could apply this to about 20 conversations a day.

We are trying life without naps

Nick commented that Finn kind of seems to be done with naps! So we’ve been trying it out. He still get some down/”quiet” time every day. Some days it works out alright, and some days end like today…Finn totally passing out in a deep sleep on the car trip home from work, and having a TOUGH time easing back into the evening.

Photos for an example:

His love for music is VAST and I LOVE it.

I love that he knows the difference not only by sight and shape but the SOUND of all these instruments

Trumpet, tuba, French horn, oboe, clarinet, piano, guitar, bassoon, trombone, saxophone, flute, cello and violin

His first tower that he built out of Leggo’s – I came into the living room and said, Finn! What a nice tower, and he said, “NO MAMA! It’s a bassoon.”

Just as I sat down to work on this post – the movie I’m watching has a jazz soundtrack and from his crib, Finn yells, “MAMA! Is that a saxophone?!” (swoon)

Our new favorite activity is watching instrument solos on YouTube and Finn will gather up his toy instruments or make shift alternatives and play along. “MAMA! I wanna try oboe next!” Lots’ of fun!

He loves to sing! I would like to remember and let it be known that the two favorite songs to sing in the car are the following:

He really gets into the guitar playing

AND - click play at the bottom of the video box.

So his music tastes should be pretty all encompassing I would say!

He still is such a wonderful, little boy:

He really does bring so much joy to all those around him. He is always quick with a hug or kiss, a hello!

Doing or saying something ridiculous, making us laugh.

We are SO lucky to have him. He’s just awesome.

So even after this tantrum above, 15 minutes later, after a dinner of mac n cheese, here he is back to his normal self, happy as a clam. And we’re always glad to have him back.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What I Do

Sometimes it's easier to explain the work I do, and other times not so much.
When people attend an event, it's like a light bulb goes off.....
You can see an ad that we've placed and know that Stacy designed it, and I helped getting it placed.
The PR portion of my job is always a little bit more elusive.....and it's is by far the hardest to come by. But I am excited and proud to share with you two REALLY great segments that I got our organization this week!

This video appeared last night on WTTW Channel 11

And here is a link to a piece that will run in today's New York Times! OH YEAH! ;)

I even made it in a photo - peeking out of our sweet little house in the children's section!

Lucky to have a team that is so photogenic and well-spoken!
Lucky to have a mission and I job that I love working for and believe in pitching to the world!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Favorite Christmas Photos

to make up for my whining.
and to share before it's Valentine's day for cripes sakes.

A nice one of Nick and I by the tree...

A new book!

On Finn's list to Santa: Cars, Animals and Cookies.

It was almost as if he wasn't sure if he could REALLY eat the cookies for breakfast...but he quickly warmed up to the idea.

There was a nice time had at Nick's mom and dad's. Lots of music playing!

We had Christmas TWICE this year....yup, it can be done ;) and it was just as warm, and fun and special both times around. There was time with Grandma and Grandpa, learning the finer art of passing out and opening gifts.

And there is a nice picture of Auntie and Finn in Christmas pajamas....classic.

Warning: Unnecessary Complaining to follow

I am about to rant and complain unnecessarily....if you'd like to skip this paragraph...PLEASE feel free to do so. If you'd like to read and tell me to shut the hell up, calm down or offer helpful suggestions, please do.

I am so sick of my blog.
I am totally uninspired by it. However, I love everyone else's blog. This is a theme. I feel bad about complaining about it, therefore giving you the previous warning. I am always copying what I love about everyone else's blogs but never love what I do on my own....
Case in point - the new blog from one Steph
Awesome! Another blog for me to like more than my own. I sound SO WHINY.

So here's the thing.
I need to either start liking....or stop doing it.
Because I feel guilty when I don't do it, instead of enjoying it.
I hate mine when I enjoy reading others, etc.
So how do I fix it? Do I need to try and do some every day? What?
I am thinking about moving this ship to Wordpress...the platform Steph uses, maybe starting over? Blogspot seems so slow sometimes....

Who knows.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

You can help Open Books!

Check it! :)

Open Books is in the running against a bunch of other fine literacy organizations to receive a $20,000 grant from the fine people at Better World Books.

We need this money people.

All you have to do is VOTE.

Click here.

Bookmark it!
For those of you that know what that is. (Dad could be a new tech lesson for you!)

Don't let the little word verification thing throw me if you need assistance.

I think you can vote as many times as you want. So get on it! Vote early and often.
I thank you, Open Books thanks you, and all of the super adorable kids that are going to learn to love to read will thank you.

20 G's! WOOOOOOOO! Vote right now!

Monday, January 4, 2010

12 months of Finnegan

I know I owe everyone a holiday re-cap post.
I probably owe everyone a New Years resolution post.
But! For tonight, I am going to start with a rip off post....stolen from my dear friend Emily!

So behold - 12 months of Finnegan....