Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Now Playing the Role of Baby Jesus.......

Monday was a big day for our family as Finnegan played the starring role of Baby Jesus in the 1st Grade Christmas Pageant at St. John Fischer. This is the parish where Nick's mom teaches fourth grade, and the church and school where Nick grew up.

The teachers asked Kathy if Finnegan would play Baby Jesus and of course we said yes! It was such a fun afternoon. I remember being in these pageant's, it doesn't seem that long ago really. The kids did a great job, had the cutest costumes and sang some great Christmas songs.

Finnegan was just amazed! He kept whipping his head around, trying to take it all in.
Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cousin Fun

Sunday we made a trip to visit with Nick's uncle Brian and aunt Laurie!

Thought it might be nice for Finnegan to spend some time playing with his cousins.

He seems to really enjoy spending time with our neighbor girl Jill, and is now just kind of into watching a "little person" motor around, talk and show him cool new tricks.

Jack, Brian and Laurie's youngest, is a little over a year older than Finnegan, and while that age difference feels like a lot now, I know in the future they will be good pals.

Jack didn't seem too sure what to think of Finn, and just kind of kept his distance, while the girls Brenna and Emma thought Finn was great! They had lots of fun playing with him for the afternoon.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Just Some Pictures

Swamped at work today! Will post more later this week.
But for now,
Some pictures of Finnegan :-)
Why most of you read this blog anyway!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Find Out Your Grinch Name!

The holiday season is upon us.....
If you're feeling a little overwhelmed by all the tree decorating, gift purchasing and wrapping, baking, etc......

Don't just wearily accuse yourself and others of being a "Grinch", use this helpful and funny web site to find YOUR real Grinch Name.

Mine = Stingycrab Rascalton


Monday, December 3, 2007


Well this SURE was an interesting weekend!
A weekend of many firsts.

1) This weekend was the FIRST weekend in the 12 years of my military career that I have gone to drill on the wrong weekend. That's right people, on Friday evening, I sat through rush hour, taped my eyelids open and made it to Madison, only to find out that I actually have drill NEXT weekend. I swore a lot, felt a little ill, and then had to get back into my car and drive all the way back because the weather was going to be just NASTY (which it was) on Saturday. Good thing I had all the adrenaline, anger and thoughts of "How in the hell did this happen" to keep me awake for the trip home. The worst part is that it's next weekend, I have a huge work event to run and I'm going to miss seeing all my friends before the holidays AND a dear friend of mine's retire party. I SUCK.
2) Another first, Nick's first eye exam! While this may seem unmomentous to some, it was not at our house. Nick has been complaining of being blind for quite some time now, and he finally went and saw the doctor! So Saturday he battled with his dialated peepers and thank goodness Finn wasn't afraid of his Daddy's new look. Pictures of his new specs forthcoming!

3) Finnegan's first Christmas tree is the third First! He loves staring at the lights and I must say we had a lot of fun decorating it too!

4) This last one, is the first time I've ever used the blender we got for our wedding. Needless to say I didn't really read the instruction manual. FYI....banana, blueberry, peach smoothie is a

#($*&#(%*&!!! to clean up.