Saturday, November 29, 2008

Finn, a Fork and a Shout Out to Greta

Since everyone seemed to enjoy the last video...I thought I would post this quick. Sounds like poor Greta is under the weather so I thought this might cheer her up :-)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Country Cut Vs. City Cut

Here is a tale of a Country Hair Cut vs. a City Hair Cut.
Of Finnegan's First Hair Cut vs. his Second.

COST: $15
On a whim while on our September vacation to Hayward, WI, Greta and I took Finn into town, seeking "adventure." I had been talking about taking Finn for his first haircut for awhile...but was so up in arms to cut off his precious curls...which I had hoped he would have SO badly. Well when we came upon this awesome barber shop, Greta and I just took one look at each other and decided that would be it! Finn handled it with flying colors...impressing all of the old men in the shop when he pointed to the mounted deer on the wall and said "BUCK" (as Grandpa Reid properly taught him) He wasn't TOO sure about it, but over all didn't really cry or fret too much. There was a lot to look at and the barber was swift and really sweet with him. Mama teared up a little bit as her little baby boy was quickly transformed in a little BIG boy. Here are some of the photos Greta took of this momentous occasion.

LOCATION: Lincoln Park Neighborhood, Chicago IL
Snippet's Hair Boutique for Kids
COST: $20
Finn's second hair cut was today! Getting him all spruced up for the Holiday season. We took him to this fun kids salon up north. Holy mole-y this place was a riot. As their web site states they cater to the "hard to cut child" and man they weren't kidding. This place had it all. Toys, tons of stuff on the wall to look at. They had video games, TV's, candy! And the chairs! Shaped like cars....whoa. Finn did great, his hair cut is even cuter than the first, and even in just a couple months time he seems older than the first! He is talking SO much. Today when Nick sneezed, Finn said, "Bless You Dada". Bless us indeed! We are blessed with quite the little man.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Pissed Off

This blog post is really more for me.

To get this off my chest. This AD run by MCDONALD'S has got my britches burnin!!!

So first: if you eat at McDonald's or if your children eat McDonald's, if you, person reading this WORK for McDonald's that's cool. I do not intend to offend. I am afraid that my beef is with the CRAZY rationale of this advertising. So ludacris in all of it's strategies and insinuations it makes me want to stab out my eyes.

So! I also know you cannot really see this ad perhaps to read the copy, but let me break it down for you. The wonderful people of McDonald's are just letting you know that "Compared to a lot of foods they (your children) love at home, A Happy Meal is a great choice"

These foods are:

1) a slice of pizza

2) a hotdog

3) a grilled cheese sandwich


4) Chicken McNuggets

They give the calories and the fat content of each thing, even pointing out that an entire Chicken McNugget Happy Meal with milk, and an apple has less calories and fat than that one slice of pizza or grilled cheese sandwich.

So here is why this ad pisses me off.

1) I believe that you shouldn't really have to WORRY about counting calories for your kids. Counting calories and fat grams is totally something WOMEN do....moms do, right or wrong, it's a common practice for women (the obvious target for this ad) to worry about such things. So I resent the fact that they are trying to play me at a point of weakness perhaps and try to turn that obsession with being thin/healthy onto what I feed my kid. Kids should eat HEALTHY foods...and exercise. Just like ADULTS should.

2) There is no way in HELL you can convince me that a grilled cheese sandwich made on whole wheat bread with good ole' WI cheese, while maybe having more calories/fat, is going to be WORSE FOR MY KID THAN CHICKEN MCNUGGETS! WTF? Seriously? Deep fried, processed chicken(supposedly) formed nugget bits are never going to be healthier or better than something I would make myself. JESUS PEOPLE. It is never ever going to happen.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I have been blog tagged!
By my dear friend Emily!

Here are the rules thus laid out by said friend Emily:
*Tell everyone three things that you like about yourself.
*Tag three people to play along.
*Go on in peace.

Alrighty then! Here goes nothing :-)

3 things I like about myself
Thing number one
I like my hair. Random and maybe vain but I like it! Long, Medium, Butch....this gal's hair can do it all. Just ask Dean. He'll tell you. I like styling it.....brushing it...washing it. I like my hair. It is thick, it cooperates and enjoys all sorts of styling products.

Thing number two
I like that I set goals and then accomplish them. Hmmm I sound like an inspirational poster hanging up on the set of "The Office". But! I must say that pretty much my whole life I have been a go-getter. I like working hard for things. I like setting tough goals for myself and then making them become a reality.

Thing number three
I like that I am generally a positive person that appreciates everything life brings her way. This is super Hallmark cheesy, but really something I care about. I try to be a happy, balanced and fulfilled person. I appreciate all that I have in life, my friends and my family and never take much forgranted. I welcome and am excited by new things, people, or places that find their way into my life and enjoy the new perspectives they bring! It does not take long to look around and see just how many things I have in my life to be thankful for. (That's good, I'm ready for Thanksgiving!)

That is all!
SO I am not sure how often some of my friends read the blog....but I will tag Ang, Suzanne and Kresha because I know they will have lots of great things to share :-) Don't let me down girls!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Finn is 18 months old!

It has been too long since I have done an official Finn here is all of the latest and greatest going on in his life on the week of his 18 month birthday.


Oh lord does he ever! :-) This child is in constant motion. Running and sometimes is truly remarkable how quickly he can get around. He is now motoring about and figuring out the ways of the house. He know's where his coat is kept and will go and fetch it if you ask him. And is fastidious...he will pick up a leaf that has blown into the house...or a small bit of paper garbage off the floor, walk into the the pantry door, throw the garbage/leaf away and then shut the door. His first chore! Get this kid an allowance :-) Next thing you know Grandpa Reid will have him licking envelopes down at the office!! Finn also KICKS! Thank you Auntie Greta! She taught him how a few months ago and he has been practicing. Will often say the word, KICK when he knows I am on the phone with her...or sees her photo. Finn will get a chance to put his kicking skills to use very soon! Nick is signing him up for the neighborhood Lil' Kickers soccer program to help pass the long winter days. It will also be nice for Finn to meet some more kids to play with and get his chance at catching some type of cold I'm sure.

No not duck...but you never can get enough of Ming Ming!
Pretty well! I think we are doing a fairly decent job of exposing him to new tastes, foods....etc. A new thing lately is with some foods he'll almost break out around the mouth with a reddish rash. After he is done eating it goes away. It's not always the same's weird. He really loves broccoli right now...peas.....still a big lover of fruit. Kashi waffles are a standard breakfast staple...(are those Kellogg's Greta?!) He loves CHEERIOS of course, (he really does, I'm not just saying that) All the standard stuff.

Often. This is one super verbal kid. Or so we've been told. He is always yapping....saying new words everyday. He is really into the mimic stage...if he is playing in the kitchen and Nick and I are talking about something, the last word of each of our sentenes...he'll repeat. With some prompting we are even getting I Love You's. Breaks my heart. He is very regular with his Please and Thank-You's....and will say Hi! to anyone and anything that is willing to listen. He is a TOTAL ham...(shocking, my son, I know) when we go out to eat, which happens pretty often (one of the most amazing things about Chicago) he is quick to try and make friends with the people sitting next to us. Often VERY close next to us. The other night we were out for sushi and Finn was determined to make the scholarly and not "child fond" couple aware of the two colors of the walls of the restaurant. BLUE he would say, and then point to the wall. YELLOW he would say, and then point to the other wall...and when THAT wasn't working he tossed in WINDMILL for good measure. Hey! Some people just aren't baby people...but he does what he can.


He is still a lover of books! Which is awesome. But has ALSO realized recently that he loves his "IDEOS" (videos) He asks for them often and he does get to watch one or two a day.....but it was so crazy to me that he went from indifferent to in love with the videos almost overnight. He also really likes to color...which is awesome, because I do too...and find it not only fun but relaxing. He plays with his animals and his barn....still likes throwing balls and playing with his cars.

Like Nick still? Like Me? The verdict is mixed....most will still say Nick. But more people are saying they see me. Tough to say. He will be due for another haircut soon! I will say, he must take after me because his hair grows like a weed! It is losing some of it's blondness with it not being summer....his eyes are still very very dark...and will most likely be brown or hazel like Nicks :-)

And for some live and in living color action, a video....or IDEO as Finn would say!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's not about Ole and Lena - it's about the lefse

Lefse Day 2008

Now you may ask yourself, what is Lefse?
Well! Lefse is the bread of Norwegians. Think tortilla made from potatoes, oil and flour.

My Grandma Eunice made it, and both my Grandma and Grandpa Ekern were awesome at making it. I am trying to keep the tradition alive. My partner in crime in this effort is my dear friend Maggie. We have been pals for a long time...worked together in Madison at Roses R Read...and she is ALSO down with NORWAY heritage and my right hand griddle gal.

It was with some sadness as I pulled out the hand written instructions (2 pages!) from Grandma Ekern. I will have to make a photo copy or laminate them for safe keeping. She even drew me a smiley face and an AMEN at the end...she knew exactly how hard this stuff can be to make.

So here's how you do it

Step 1: Peel 10 lbs of potatoes

Step 2: Boil 10 lbs of potatoes

Step 3: Drain and let cool
Step 4: Rice the 10 lbs. of potatoes (put them through this mideaval play-dough pressy device thing, good arm work out)
Step 5: Cool the potatoes some more
Step 6: Rice the 10 lbs. of potatoes again
Step 7: Cool the potatoes even longer
Step 8: Mix the batter! Add in flour and oil
Step 9: Fire up the griddle and flour the shit out of every surface you come in contact with.
Step 10: Roll dough in to balls and roll out onto clothed pastry board. KEEP FLOURING!
Step 11: Transfer carefully with pretty little stick thing the piece of lefse from board to griddle. This is usually when all hell breaks loose.

This is often when you take a break to play, "Name that Lefse Shape", here is one of our finest, the "GHOST"
Step 12: Lefse cooks on the griddle on each side for a few minutes
Step 13: Lefse is transfered from griddle to table! To be carefully stored under a sheet to keep it moist.

About 9 - 10 hours later....when yourself and every surface in your home is covered in flour and a potato-y starchy film... you can eat this amazing bread in one of the following ways:
1) With butter
2) With butter and sugar
3) Make a Norwegian Burrito - fill it with turkey, stuffing, corn...whatever. SO delicious
I will say this year we did a mighty fine job! There was only minimal swearing and only a few pieces went to the dog. There are a few batches in the freezer waiting to be brought home for Christmas time. YUMMMMM.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Holy Lord it's Been Awhile

Hello to any of you that still READ this thing...I apologize for the long gap between posts. The last few weeks have been BUSY around here.

1) We elected a new President. WOO WOO (raise the roof hand motion) What a night...I had a big work event at the House of Blues that evening! It was so cool to be in the share the momentous occasion with my co-workers, friends and cousins Meghan and Emily. The energy that night was THICK. Driving home it was so exciting....people everywhere...happy...cheering... Obama's motorcade made it back to the neighborhood just before we made it home...and it was so crazy to lie in bed that night...knowing that him and his family were just down the block. Security has increased and are learning new routes through the neighborhood! Apparently he also goes to our gym....I am hoping to see him there. SO COOL

2) Also there has been MUCH wedding excitement! Last weekend we celebrated Nick's only sister, Erin's, big wedding day. There was a bachelorette party! And then a rehearsal dinner, bridesmaids in town to help with Finn (THANK YOU!) and just a lot of general celebration all around. The wedding was BEAUTIFUL. It was such an honor to be a part of Erin and Neal's day. Erin was GORGEOUS....and was such a fun bride...we really had such a nice day...and danced all night long. It will be a day we all remember for a LONG time!!

3) Finnegan is changing EVERY DAY. I will do an official 18 month update and try to post some videos soon.

Here are just a few of my favorite photos from the past couple of weeks! More posts coming SOON, I promise :-)


Did I mention there was a fight? And we got kicked out of a bar? There was! It was very Jerry Springer.

And a few pictures from the wedding: