Thursday, November 20, 2008


I have been blog tagged!
By my dear friend Emily!

Here are the rules thus laid out by said friend Emily:
*Tell everyone three things that you like about yourself.
*Tag three people to play along.
*Go on in peace.

Alrighty then! Here goes nothing :-)

3 things I like about myself
Thing number one
I like my hair. Random and maybe vain but I like it! Long, Medium, Butch....this gal's hair can do it all. Just ask Dean. He'll tell you. I like styling it.....brushing it...washing it. I like my hair. It is thick, it cooperates and enjoys all sorts of styling products.

Thing number two
I like that I set goals and then accomplish them. Hmmm I sound like an inspirational poster hanging up on the set of "The Office". But! I must say that pretty much my whole life I have been a go-getter. I like working hard for things. I like setting tough goals for myself and then making them become a reality.

Thing number three
I like that I am generally a positive person that appreciates everything life brings her way. This is super Hallmark cheesy, but really something I care about. I try to be a happy, balanced and fulfilled person. I appreciate all that I have in life, my friends and my family and never take much forgranted. I welcome and am excited by new things, people, or places that find their way into my life and enjoy the new perspectives they bring! It does not take long to look around and see just how many things I have in my life to be thankful for. (That's good, I'm ready for Thanksgiving!)

That is all!
SO I am not sure how often some of my friends read the blog....but I will tag Ang, Suzanne and Kresha because I know they will have lots of great things to share :-) Don't let me down girls!


Anonymous said...

i love your hair too. i have short-haired girl envy....

Greta Hanson said...

All of these are so true. I too am jealous of your hair. How come you got this hair that will do everything and mine does NOTHING...genetics suck. Love you!

Anonymous said...