Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Catching Up

Hello everyone!
Sorry for my prolonged absence.

Here is a hodge podge of blog things that have been floating in my brain numerical order.

1) I am ready for another baby. (Whoa! I know right? just start right off with that) I was fortunate to meet the newest and GIRLIEST addition to my extended family, Evelyn Schulz, of Madison WI, her parents Luke (my cousin) and Trish welcomed me over just 12 short days after her arrival and I loved every minute of it. I am ready. For a baby (GIRL preferred) :) I would definitely say it is looking like it could be on the 2009 docket. Can't wait.

2) Finn is in amazing mode. I was gone for 4 days for drill. I came home and he had learned all this STUFF! In FOUR DAYS. It's blowing my mind. I know this is a development period where they really are soaking stuff up, but goodness.
He is obsessed with counting (hopefully we don't have a little Rain Man on our hands). He can get all the way to six, wants to always skip 7 and 8 but then says 9 & 10.
He will announce the colors of your clothing....this morning he was saying "GEEN, GEEN" as I was changing took ME a few seconds to realize he was announcing the color of the sweatshirt I had on!

My new favorite is he says "Here you go Mama" and then hands you umm, say 90% of the time, a book. "Read Pees Mama" so of course I do.

He just started "Up and Down" we have absolutely no clue where he picked that up. Not even a connection to Lil Kickers on that one.

Shapes! This kid has got them down. Nick said he spotted an honest-to-goodness oval on the way to the park today, he knows the diamond shape in the tile in our bathroom. Entertaining when you're sitting and "thinking".... I know that there are 3 diamond shapes in the tile. He counts out each and every one.

He will also pucker his lips up and wait for you to give him a kiss...gladly I oblige...everytime. This is THE best.

3) ONCE and for all I really do need to clean up my mouth. I just love swearing. I do. I swear all the time. It's gonna be a problem. Phew. REALLY the time has come to work on this f-ing problem of mine. ; )

4) The Holidays are coming. There is just no denying it. I have a TON of shopping left. Starting to panic. Here are some feel good pics from our trip to Zoo Lights at the Lincoln Park Zoo with Nick's family. This is an event Nick enjoyed as a kid...the zoo covered in a literal MILLION lights. It was great, FREEZING but still fun. All of the animals were sleeping for the night so it was cool to see them all tucked. We headed out for some amazing Chicago pizza after that for dinner.

4) I've been tagged again! Emily has set out the challenge for me to:

Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog... some random, some weird.
Tag 7 friends at the end of your post.

Shouldn't be tough to think of weird facts and clearly I have the random thing down with this entry.....going to work on this soon. I don't have 7 friends that er....I don't know about that.

5) I am preparing my 2009 Marathon Schedule, here is the rough idea;
Half Marathon - Feb/March/April - location TBD, CO or TX is looking promising
FULL Marathon - May - Madison WI, May 24th
FULL Marathon - July - Location TBD - maybe San Fransisco?
Half Marathon - September - Chicago

Who knows maybe another few halves...we'll see.....need to use this year wisely! Gotta get some big runs in before I'm toting a watermelon again.

6) I am tired! And need to go to bed. More soon I promise. GOOD NIGHT

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Just Cuz My Kid Plays Soccer Does NOT Make Me a Soccer Mom

Finn + First Childhood Organized Activity = Lil' Kickers

Hyde Park Neighborhood Center has this sweet class for all age groups called Lil' Kickers!
A GREAT opportunity for Finnegan to learn the golden rules of sharing, coordination and how to rock a uniform.
ALSO it's going to be a great way to beat the cabin fever for Nick...get them out doing something, help break up the days. I got to tag along on Saturday morning. The kids were adorable. Some older some younger. Which I quickly realized does not mean a thing. One of the younger kids was hella quick...another super good at kicking...Finn likes to throw the balls and was scared of the parachute. He loved the bubbles....who knew there were bubbles in soccer? And he LOVED the horse stamps he got on his hands at the end of class.

( for some reason tonight Blogger is being a BQ#(*#%&, so the photos are not in any great and or particular order) OH WELL.

The SECOND and much longer part of my day on Saturday was spent in a freezing cold shed in the middle of a corn field IL to cheer my dear hubby on at a Strongman Competition.
There I saw a rhinestone bedazzled John Deere logo on a baseball cap. yes.....
Nick won! And you guessed it!

And while I am going to PRETEND that it doesn't bother me that my pictures are all screwed is one for DOES bother me. I have been trying to fix them for 45 FRICKIN minutes and they are still jacked. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

How was that em?