Monday, May 11, 2009

This Mothers Day

My Mothers Day.
I was at Drill... and got home SO late that I had about 30 minutes to spend with Finn.
But it was enough.
When I came in the door...he ran towards me SO fast and was screaming my name and laughing and smiling that it took my breath away.
That was all I needed.

My days are filled with work.
My weekends are filled with work.
I am a Working Mother.
I have certainly been feeling some of the strain, from many angles lately, of being a Working Mother.
There are mixed emotions of guilt, love, joy, stress, and overwhelming responsibility.
I don't think that it is necessarily any different for mothers that don't work....I am sure it is much the same.
But I am a MOTHER nonetheless.....and it is wonderful.
Do I wish I had more time with Finn? Every day. Who wouldn't? He's wonderful.
I certainly appreciate even MORE every second I do have, and every detail of him.
I appreciate being able to take care of my family and support them.
I appreciate having a husband that is MORE than my equal.
I am hopeful to have even MORE children one day to care for and love.

And I also realized this Mother's Day, that sometimes the most thoughtful acts of kindness come from other mothers.

For example, this video, that was sent to me by my Dad's co-worker Joy, mother of 2 boys.
It was hands down the most thoughtful thing....making me laugh and cry, so sweet of her to think of me.

I have also come to have such appreciation for the love, strengths and lessons learned from other mothers. Always, and most recently for my dear friend Emily, who has just returned from Korea with a son, Rubin to add her family that already has two other beautiful boys, Theo and Emmett. It is hard for me even to find the words to express the pride and love I feel towards her. Her strength, and her ability to give, share and love; as a mother.

And then there is my own mother. I am sad I wasn't able to spend the day with you Mom. Know that I was thinking of you and I am looking forward to seeing you this weekend. I thank you for being there for me, now, and back in the day, when I am sure it was joyous, stressful, overwhelming, and wonderful.

I love you.


Maggie said...

beautiful...we are all lucky to have you in our

Norbyah said...

Happy Mother's Day Becca. Thank you for expressing what it is to be a working mother. It's hard and rewarding at the same time. I get it. So glad I can read your blog and Emily's to get courage and inspiration to keep doing what I'm doing.

Anonymous said...

Oh Man....wear did you get that Picture.....!!!! Now you know why your mother pursued your old dad...what's the word...I was (and still am) smokin hot....

see ya in a few days!

Anonymous said...

Napoleon Dynamite is your dad???
Uncle Todd

Anonymous said...

Yup Todd, quite a striking resemblance, wouldn't you say!!! GEESH...The only thing I can figure out is Nancy must have been blind during the 70's...

too funny....