Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fun with Technology

As I sit here, in my parents kitchen....there is an energy.

There is an energy from my father who has JUST found the amazing thrill of instant purchasing on iTunes.

There is an energy FROM this energy as Dad discovers and rediscovers tunes he hasn't heard in ages and determines them an "automatic buy"

There is an energy from us daughters because they have INTERNET.

There is an energy from discovering the fun photo capabilities of my laptop web cam.

Exhibit A.

I am excited for my parents.
There are SO many cool things to learn and love.
Welcome family.


Anonymous said...

I sure have a great bunch of "Leaving the Dock" songs ready to get loaded on the ol I-Pod... Technology has nothing on old dad.....
Thanks for all of the help!

Greta Hanson said... was a momentous occasion.

Anonymous said...

Reid we need to wire up some water cooled amps and kick ass speakers in the boat. The Moody Blues would never sound better. I have a buddy who you hear way before you see his boat. When floating you can see the sound ripples going away from the hull. Maybe we get some killer subs and you can stun the fish to the surface.

Steph said...

LOVE the pictures! And loving your dads comment. Indeed, technology has nothin on old dad ;)