Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I couldn't believe my eyes...

Tonight. Usual routine.
Finn eats dinner.
Mama runs bath.
Finn and Mama play while Finn takes bath.
NEW: Finn and Mama talk to Grandma, and Grandpa and Nate on Skype! (loving it)
Finn and Mama read two stories.
Mama puts Finn to bed.

Mama goes into the kitchen.
Cleans up dinner.
Fires up the computer.
Folds some laundry.
Hears the usual, "Mama!? Mama?!" coming from Finn's room.
Mama chooses to ignore the cries in the hopes that Finn will just go to sleep.
Mama hears again, a little voice calling her name.
But THIS TIME, the voice seems a little louder?

This Mama turns around to discover FINNEGAN, standing IN THE KITCHEN, with this shit eating GRIN ON HIS FACE, pacifier still in his mouth, but beaming. EAR TO EAR.

Mama hears little Mr. Grin face say, "I don't wanna go to bed Mama!"

I just about had a heart attack.

For the following reasons:
1) This is the FIRST time Houdini has ever attempted to crawl out of his crib in his 2 years and 11 months of life. Let ALONE doing it with such grace and stealth that he didn't make a PEEP.
2) It was like he appeared out of thin air. It scared the DICKENS out of me.
3) He's big enough and old enough to want to get out of his crib!!! (Disclaimer: I REALIZE that most kids are crawling out of their crib WAY earlier than this) but this was truly such a shocker.

And that's all I have!
Just as a bonus to this story, here are a few of my favorite photos from a weekend with my family in Viroqua.
And ACTUALLY this is the only picture you're going to get tonight, because I have exceeded my 1GB limit for photos through Google. Better purchase some MORE BANDWIDTH!


Stacey said...


pay for the pro account on flickr. $25 a year for unlimited storage/uploads. you can get the URL of the photo to host your images on flickr and share it on your blog. that's what i do for my professional blog as well as my personal blog.

with my blogspot equivalent, i can even just drag the image from the size i want page on flickr over to the window with the post. hope that makes sense.

good luck!

Anonymous said...

I used to fall out of my crib. Why? The side would not stay up and I was the last kid so I think they figured it was ok. At least you put the sides up. I suggest mouse traps around the crib. (note: not rat traps those would be first). You could also set up a trip wire to some empty cans. Hows about one of those motion activated singing bass. Put a troll under his crib that can be pulled out to chase him when he escapes. I suppose it is best I don't have kids...
Uncle Todd

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it's time to transition to a bed. Boy are you lucky he didn't get a goose egg on the old noggin'. Don't you wish you had a video running? Love Mom

emily said...

um, you are on skype and NOT seeing ME??? wtf?

and, i can only imagine how scary that must have been... neither theo or emmett EVER crawled out of their crib. and i kept them both in there for as LONG as i could.

might be time for the switch, mama. finn just knows he's gotta make room in the baby bed for his little sister...

Steph said...

Oh man :) Now I'd be willing to put money that he is out every I right?!! LOL. SCARY :)