Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bad Habits

Habits are hard to break.
I should know. I always say you can tell how stressed out I am by looking at my fingers. I have been a nail biter for a LONG time. And right now they are nasty, chewed up stubs. Gross. So there you have it.

Right now Finn's bad habits all surround one thing:

His SHIRT in his mouth.

THINGS in his mouth.
(In this photo it just happens to be an Irish Flag, but it could be anything really.)

And then there is the PACI - pacifier. I feel like Mr. Paci's days are numbered. I sort of think that if Finn can ask for it....then it might be time to say goodbye.

But when he's sad....and you give him one, and he looks at you with THESE eyes. And you can just tell that it is an immediate sense of is sooooo hard to want to say no.


Greta Hanson said...

I don't know how you say no to those eyes.

Can you wait to cut the paci until after Easter? Because if he gives me those eyes I would drive wherever I needed to to get him a paci...

emily said...

oh, let the little man have his paci. he loves it. it ain't gonna kill him.

(coming from the mother who let her son have his nuk until he was WELL OVER 2.)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a Premium pacifier?
Uncle Todd

Anonymous said...

Whats up with the shirt chewing??? And mom needs Chill-laxing lessons..of which, by the way, I'm an expert....I recall a certain child having a blankie until she was, oh, 17 or so.....:)))

Have a great day!

Becca said...

Yeah Yeah I know!
I am not on a witch hunt for the thing.
He is just getting to be such a big BOY, and not a baby anymore.
The paci can stay.......for now ;)

Greta Hanson said...

Yeah..I am still scarred by that. Becca got to keep her blankie until she was 20 and the thing was an inch by an inch big, and when I was like 7 my little pillow mysteriously disappeared. What is up with that?

Anonymous said...

Greta, it is the youngest child thing. At least you got a pillow. All I got was some fuzz from the dryer vent. Then they put a couple of buttons on it and said it was my pet. I tried to give it water and well, it sort of melted. The fuzz ball was the best ever. He could do tricks like stay and roll over. I miss fuzzy.
Uncle Todd