Friday, July 10, 2009

List of 8's

From the lovely ~ emily
Things I'm looking forward to:
  1. The next time I get to see my Mom, Dad, Greta and Nate
  2. Not working this weekend
  3. Having another baby ( I am not pregnant at this time)
  4. Opening Open Books' bookstore
  5. Nick getting his letter from the Fire Department
  6. Planning a tropical vacation
  7. Getting a pedicure
  8. Going to bed early tonight
Things I did yesterday:
  1. Slept in instead of going for a run.
  2. Did some Marketing/PR/Event Committee planning
  3. Wished I was at the swimming pool with Nick & Finn
  4. Talked to my Mom who is in Hayward.
  5. Wore a fancy dress.
  6. Ate a $50 steak.
  7. Attended this amazing show.
  8. Saw a gorgeous yellow moon rise over Lake Michigan.
Things I wish I could do:
  1. Clone myself.
  2. Be more patient.
  3. Be in multiple places at multiple times so I could spend gobs of time with all the people I love. (see #1)
  4. Not overreact so often.
  5. Travel the world.
  6. Read on a beach.
  7. Fix the Economy.
  8. Buy as many songs on iTunes as I wanted.
Things I will never do:
  1. Skydive
  2. Eat my own poop.
  3. Wish I was living someone else's life
  4. Stop loving being a wife and mom.
  5. Stop running or appreciate runners, (physically I hope I can say never!)
  6. Miss working for Lisa Stricker at Woodfield Mall.
  7. Give up my hopes and dreams to travel the world. :)
  8. Have enough words to tell or show how much I love my family and friends.
Share yours! On your blog or in the comment section.....


Stacey said...

i like #2 on your list of things you'll never do. appropriate number placement!

Greta Hanson said...

Good ones! I am also a fadecision to of you're decision to never eat your poop. That is a good one that I am hoping you can pass on to Finn and future children of yours.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree don't eat your poop and I would like to add nobody elses...growing up on the farm you learned to keep your mouth shut while catching little pigs. Funny how it tasted sweet, but not like maple bacon sweet, but sweet none the less.
Uncle Todd