Monday, July 20, 2009

I Heart the Internet

Those of you who that read this blog, or at least those of you that read it and let me KNOW you read it....know I'm into taking photos these days. I still have SO SO much to learn. And often yearn for more time to read about it, practice, etc.

So it should come to no surprise that I am slightly obsessed with this amazing photo project.

The 50 states Project is described as:

Each photographer lives in one of the 50 States and during the year long project each photographer will represent the State where they currently live. Every two months each photographer will be sent an assignment by e-mail, they then have two months to produce one image in response. The images must represent both their style and their State.

This is just so brilliant.
I love looking at these photos.
Each of them has so much meaning and a story to tell.
It's like you can take a tiny little peek at what makes up all 50 glorious states without even leaving your seat.



emily said...

sweet. i was going to bed until i decided to check your post. now i'll be spending some time with the 50 states project.

xoxo sweet cheeks. thanks for the well wishes today. i survived.

Stacey said...

if you love the internets, check this out.. not so photo-oriented, but i think you may like it. this girl named maggie mason who lives in san francisco.. she has lovely red hair and an adorable toddler son named hank and i've read her blog for years.. anyway, she made one of those 'bucket lists' - totally for the hell of it, filled with things like "sparklers with hank" and "taj mahal at sunrise." well, then the company intel decided to SPONSOR HER BUCKET LIST. i've only seen a couple of fulfillments - tap lessons, swimming with phosphorescent plankton - but am looking forward to more.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see how you intend to photograph what the state of Illinois is best known for...political corruption.
Uncle Todd

Becca said...

Emily I am glad yesterday was okay :)
Stacey - THANK YOU. This girl seems way cool and I can't wait to check out this Intel thing....
Todd - I have indeed tried to arrange a private photo shoot with Mr. Bangs Blago....but I fear he is busy ;)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps just a picture of his hair would be the 1000 words that make the picture.
Uncle Todd

Unknown said...

What a great project! You would love the book, Chased by the Light: A 90 Day Journey by Jim Brandenburg.
It's basically a picture book with some narrative, a National Geographic photographer limits himself to one photograph per day while camping in the Boundary Waters wilderness in Minnesota. The results are phenomenal and thought provoking.

xldrpepper said...

totally gonna check out the project!

Unknown said...

this is a very cool thing...I love all of these interpretations from all of the country.
This also reminds me of a doc you would love and should check out...'Half Past Autumn'...about the photographer/artist Gordon Parks. Actually his work is on display in Evanston right now...i think.