Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I Heart the Internet

I realize it is going to be tough to top the bling-wonderful picture of Greta lookin' gangsta'
But this site that I came across today satisfies another part in me entirely.

This is the part of me that loves clothes, fashion, getting dressed every day and helping other people.

I present to you:

The Uniform Project

In summary, this girl:
Who is just as cute as a freakin' button I might add has set out to wear the same dress EVERY SINGLE DAY for a year, that is 365 days people... to A) promote and exercise sustainable fashion and to B) raise money to buy children in other countries uniforms, as this adorable sketch below illustrates!

I am already impressed with the variety she has come up with, she is already 62 days in! I am eager to watch as she transforms this simple dress day to day and also check some great resources, stores/artists/shops to score some amazing accessories!

I absolutely adore, adore all of the looks she puts together. I HEART THIS GIRL!

May 8 and June 11th close runners up!


ANG* said...

tell me you found this through the share section on google reader! however, i have a feeling you did not. but yes! have you seen the adorable interview she did?!?! shes just darling...

emily said...

i heart the look she put together for july 3rd. (i haven't had time to look at all of them yet, but from what i have seen so far, this is my fave. good find!!!!!)

Becca said...

ANG you are RIGHT! I alas did not find this from the Share section on Google Reader, for I do not even know what that is. I read the reader and that is all :) You KNOW how long it takes me to master these things! I should hire you by the hour to catch me up. And what the DL on this new Tumblr thing....it slick I like it, I was catching up on your life....can't wait to see your new place!!!

Em - I will post my favorite. It's from May...but I agree the one you picked is also uber darling.

Greta Hanson said...

I am pretty sure I couldn't pull off one outfit every day for a year..at least not until I get my vintage doily collars up in numbers. People that can put outfits like this together are amazing..

Anonymous said...

Shucks, thats nothing. Growing up on the farm we were so poor Reid got the new shirt and pants for the year, then they were handed down to Randy, then me. That was 730 days by the time I got it...I have to say, we really pulled of the uber farm look!
Uncle Todd

Maggie said...

I came across this a bit ago and was equally amazed! She is adorable:)