Monday, November 24, 2008

Pissed Off

This blog post is really more for me.

To get this off my chest. This AD run by MCDONALD'S has got my britches burnin!!!

So first: if you eat at McDonald's or if your children eat McDonald's, if you, person reading this WORK for McDonald's that's cool. I do not intend to offend. I am afraid that my beef is with the CRAZY rationale of this advertising. So ludacris in all of it's strategies and insinuations it makes me want to stab out my eyes.

So! I also know you cannot really see this ad perhaps to read the copy, but let me break it down for you. The wonderful people of McDonald's are just letting you know that "Compared to a lot of foods they (your children) love at home, A Happy Meal is a great choice"

These foods are:

1) a slice of pizza

2) a hotdog

3) a grilled cheese sandwich


4) Chicken McNuggets

They give the calories and the fat content of each thing, even pointing out that an entire Chicken McNugget Happy Meal with milk, and an apple has less calories and fat than that one slice of pizza or grilled cheese sandwich.

So here is why this ad pisses me off.

1) I believe that you shouldn't really have to WORRY about counting calories for your kids. Counting calories and fat grams is totally something WOMEN do....moms do, right or wrong, it's a common practice for women (the obvious target for this ad) to worry about such things. So I resent the fact that they are trying to play me at a point of weakness perhaps and try to turn that obsession with being thin/healthy onto what I feed my kid. Kids should eat HEALTHY foods...and exercise. Just like ADULTS should.

2) There is no way in HELL you can convince me that a grilled cheese sandwich made on whole wheat bread with good ole' WI cheese, while maybe having more calories/fat, is going to be WORSE FOR MY KID THAN CHICKEN MCNUGGETS! WTF? Seriously? Deep fried, processed chicken(supposedly) formed nugget bits are never going to be healthier or better than something I would make myself. JESUS PEOPLE. It is never ever going to happen.


Greta Hanson said...

You go girlfriend. Bring down those golden arches one blog post at a time. THat is a seriously ridiculous ad.

Anonymous said...

Amen sister! The veil over our eyes is being pulled back.

Anonymous said...

Now you did it....The McDonalds Hit Squad is being deployed to Hyde Park...We'll see how they stack up against the Secret Service..:))


Anonymous said...

What a great post to read first thing this morning. Another good Rebecca attribute - PASSION!!
My tip: Remember moderation and good cooking from scratch.

Are you going on a circuit tour against the big McD??

Happy Thanksgiving - Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

beware of the clown.
Uncle Todd