Friday, January 15, 2010

What I Do

Sometimes it's easier to explain the work I do, and other times not so much.
When people attend an event, it's like a light bulb goes off.....
You can see an ad that we've placed and know that Stacy designed it, and I helped getting it placed.
The PR portion of my job is always a little bit more elusive.....and it's is by far the hardest to come by. But I am excited and proud to share with you two REALLY great segments that I got our organization this week!

This video appeared last night on WTTW Channel 11

And here is a link to a piece that will run in today's New York Times! OH YEAH! ;)

I even made it in a photo - peeking out of our sweet little house in the children's section!

Lucky to have a team that is so photogenic and well-spoken!
Lucky to have a mission and I job that I love working for and believe in pitching to the world!


Anonymous said...

What great press and what a fantastic job you have done with all this. I have to talk Todd into coming into the city sometime to visit you guys and your store (that will be NO easy feat). I am jealous that you have a job where you have accomplished so much while doing something you clearly enjoy along with it. Not that I don't like my job but it clearly isn't my passion. You should be proud!

sneprud said...


Anonymous said...

Very cool indeed! ...and someone was snubbering about how they hate their blogabilities...poppycock and hogwash I say!! Keep em comin!!
Uncle Todd

Norbyah said...

Becca, I'm so glad that you posted the video clip and article so I could know more about what you do. And, now that I do, I wear my Open Books t-shirt (and spread your message all the way over here in HK) with even more pride. The video clip brought tears to my eyes because of how important what you are a part of is. Especially now, with Kindles revolutionizing the world of books (and perhaps making it less accessible for those who need it most). Thank you for sharing. xo

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool stuff Rebecca!!!!

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Like I always say, Hard Work never goes unnoticed.
Congrats and keep the posts coming. Love, Mom