Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy 8 Month Birthday Finnegan!

Doctor's Appointment today!
20 lbs. 10 oz.
27.5 inches long
Holding steady at 65% on the charts for both...

I remember, when I didn't have any children, thinking that 8 month old babies were SO cute! And now I have my own and I can definitively say that this is a great stage. Here is the full Finnegan 8 month report. (Format and content ideas courtesy of my dear friend Emily, of
Finnegan eats:
A lot! Cereal, Fruits and Veggies are the usual suspects these days!
He LOVES: Oatmeal, Pears, Prunes, Peaches, Peas, Squash, Sweet Potatoes
He DOESN'T LIKE: Green Beens (that is the only one we really know he hates)
He is less and less interested in a bottle. He MUCH prefers food. So a bottle in the morning and at night and that is about it! Otherwise he is all food all the time.
Finnegan speaks:
There has been plenty of babbling for some time now, but he has started to make certain sounds regularly. Da Da Da and even Da Di are gracing the scene almost daily now. He squeals when he is playing. Grunts and huffs and snorts like a pig when he is either frustrated OR happy. He knows that Mama is me, Daddy is Nick and Doggie is Wallace. If you say these words, he will look, for either Me, Nick or Wallace. He was in the tub last night and we were playing with the Rubber Duck and I had totally forgotten that Nick always sings this Ducky Duck Duck song with him...and Finn said "Duh" but no, "CK", to remind me that there is a bathtime song to be sung. It was precious.
Finnegan sleeps:
A LOT. When I was gone to drill last month Nick called to tell me Finn had slept 13 HOURS straight! Now that is not typical, but this kid really is a sleeper. Lucky for us this has really always been the case. He has now been sleeping in his big crib in his room for about 2 months. And the transition was smooth...he goes down around 8 pm and will sometimes fuss around 2:30 or 3 am but I just usually peek in, find his pacifier, which he is throwing out of the crib these days, and a kiss goodnight and he's out until 7 am. He is napping still some for Nick during the day. An hour here and there. Some days two hour naps.
Finnegan moves:
Or doesn't rather! We asked Dr. McDermott today about Finnegan's lack of wanting to move around. He can still beautifully by himself, and stand strong holding on to something, but we are putting him in those positions. He rarely rolls over, doesn't scoot, push or make much movement of any kind! Dr. Anne took one look at the size of his legs and his big head and said, "If you were this big would you want to move around?" and I thought, (heh! I can relate to that!) But seriously, she told us not to worry...some kids are late to crawl, and late to walk. And she also said that he is so content and laid back, with no other siblings running around, he is just chill to stay put. We are going to keep an eye on it and keep working with him on it, and as many people with small kids have said, "Don't wish it away! You'll be chasing after him before you know it!"

Finnegan looks:
Like Nick still! Daddy's genes totally won this time, I must say. He really does look like his Daddy. The random person EVERY now and then MAY say he looks like me in the eyes, but they usually keep it vague and brief as to not hurt my feelings when inside I'm sure they are thinking, MAN that kids looks JUST like his Dad!

These past 8 months have gone so fast. It's really nuts! I look at him sometimes and I'm like, "How did you get here again?" I am loving all of his changes, but also cherishing them, as it won't be long before my baby isn't such a baby anymore.


Anonymous said...

COOL REPORT REBECCA!! can't wait to see the big guy next weekend. I think the sound he was trying to make in the tub didn't have anything to do with the Rubber Duck song, I think he was trying to say GO PACK!!!!

Anonymous said...

i agree, cool report! you know how jealous i am that you've got such a good sleeper on your hands. i must have really ticked someone off to end up with the two night owls that i have!!! oh, how i miss a full night's worth of sleep... (heck, i'd settle for 5 hours in a row... yawn!!) we need to chat, soon!!! we've got lots of running stuff to talk about. love you!