Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Book of Questions

This book was dropped off at Open Books the other day and it caught my eye. Flipping through it I thought these questions may spark some interesting blog posts.

Ironic really that I choose to get all philosophical when I am running on about 2 hours of sleep, am super crabby and overwhelmed at work, but hey! Why not.

So I am going to post some of these questions, every week or so, and if you feel like answering them too...feel free. Happy FRIGID Thursday everyone!

For a person you loved deeply, would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing there would be little chance of seeing your friends or family again?
Well this question really isn't that tough for me...the answer is no. My friends and family are too important to me than any person I may deeply love. It is hard enought being a handful of hours away from my family. I think it is just another one of those choices you make, whether it is a completely concious choice or not, but I don't think there would really be anyone, no matter how in love I was, that could make me want to go without seeing my family and friends.


Anonymous said...

this is a tough question for me. when it asks "love deeply" does it mean someone other than my husband (who is already my family?) i mean, obviously, no one could get me to move away and never see dave and the boys again. but, if dave wanted me to move away with him, and with theo and emmett, i would have to go, if it meant being with them... even if it meant giving up my friends, and my "family" (my parents, siblings, etc...)

Lora Maria said...

Oh, I love these questions. =)

My first reaction was, no, We would not move away if it were likely that we would never see our friends and family again.
But then when I thought about it from a missionary stand point I realized that yes, we would move far away, knowing that we may never see our friends and family again, for Jesus, who we love deeply.

Otherwise, no. =)

Becca said...

I know! I had to think about this as far was from what point of my life I was answering the question, I think I was thinking of pre-finding your soulmate/husband. But I agree with you Emily, I couldn't leave Nick and Finn, altough it would be heart breaking to be away from my family and friends.